Restore 10X Advanced Resurfacer, an enhanced version of the older Restore 10X, is named for how thick it is—10 times the thickness of regular paint. In fact, Rust-Oleum says it can fill gaps of up to 1/4 inch. It’s designed to resurface severely worn decks (made from most composite-decking brands as well as from wood) and concrete patios and to provide a UV and water-resistant barrier. Manufacturer recommendations call for two coats, which can be walked on 48 hours after application. The company also sells Restore 4X for moderately weathered decks and Restore 2X for lightly weathered surfaces. Restore 10X Advanced retails for $25 a gallon (good for 40 square feet) or $85 for a 3.75-gallon bucket (160 square feet). The water-based finish can be tinted. Rust-Oleum,